CUSTOMER 1st … Quarterly Magazine & Rate Card. A new Channel Island Customer Service magazine designed to focus specifically on all areas of customer service from strategy to social media, from tricky situations to glowing testimonials. “CUSTOMER 1st” is the...
The Officer Magazine … Bi-monthly Publication. A magazine published specifically for ministers of The Salvation Army as a direct mode of communication between The General (the leader of The Salvation Army) to the ministers (The Officers). It is jam packed with...
Haunting Julia … In November 2013 EVOKE Productions, a Guernsey amateur dramatics company, are performing this critically acclaimed production by Alan Ayckbourn and I was asked by the director Chris Bougourd to design the posters and programmes for the show....
Holiday Snap … In June 2012 EVOKE Productions, a Guernsey amateur dramatics company, performed an hilarious comedy written by Michael Pertwee and John Chapman and I was asked by the director Chris Bougourd to design the posters and programmes for the show. This is a...