Then & Now… A dual book design that is novel, fun and applicable to everyone. We live in an age where self book production within given templates is becoming more and more accessible. With this in mind I aimed to produce two books with structures that were...
Self Promotion Sustainable Design …. My ultimate aim throughout this project was to prove to prospective employers, my practical ability as a designer and my intellectual understanding of a very real global issue. With many businesses increasingly wanting to...
Signage System … was launched in 2004 and are a purely web based cosmetic and skincare company. They were initially formed to sell just perfume but due to huge customer demand for quality products at affordable prices, they branched out into...
Fine Art Degree Show Catalogue … Every year the Fine Art students that complete their studies at Cambridge School of Art showcase their work at a Degree Show alongside a new generation of artists, illustrators and designers. In 2010 the exhibition was opened to...