Holiday Snap

Holiday Snap … In June 2012 EVOKE Productions, a Guernsey amateur dramatics company, performed an hilarious comedy written by Michael Pertwee and John Chapman and I was asked by the director Chris Bougourd to design the posters and programmes for the show. This is a...

Deadly Murder

Deadly Murder … In November 2011 EVOKE Productions, a Guernsey amateur dramatics company, performed an ingenious thriller written by David Foley and I was asked by the director Chris Bougourd to design the posters and programmes for the show. The plot revolves...

Cookie & Custard

Cookie & Custard In The Cupboard Children’s Book … This is the second in a series of illustrated children’s books by Annelies Tostevin written for her nephew who is now 5 years old and lives in Norfolk Island.  A tale of a little boy called River...

Stamp Design UK ‘Firsts’

Stamp Design UK ‘Firsts’ … RSA Student Design Awards 2011 Brief: Celebrate the idea of ‘firsts’ and create stamps that inspire the nation whilst instilling national pride. Targeting both a young and old audience of stamp collectors and general...